Bagoez Studio التطبيقات

Master Kapas Tembak 1.0
Bagoez Studio
Selain dilombakan, kapas tembak jugakerapdipelihara sebagai burung masteran.Suara aslinya yang bernada cepat dan rapat menjadi dayatariktersediri bagi para pecinta burung kicau dalam memasterburungkesayangannya seperti murai batu, lovebird, cucak hijau,danlainya.Selain suara asli, kapas tembak juga memiliki suara kicauanyangcukup bervariasi.Berikut ini suara asli dan isian burung kapas tembakuntukmasteran.Besides contested,cottonshoot also often kept as a bird masteran.Originally pitched voice prompt and meeting tersediri becomeanattraction for lovers of birds chirping in memaster favoritebirdssuch as magpie stone, lovebird, cucak green, and others.In addition to the original sound, firing cotton also has achirpingsound that is quite varied.Here is the original sound and stuffing cotton bird shootformasteran.
Patroli Polisi Sabhara 1.2
Bagoez Studio
Polisi Sabhara atau samapta bhayangkaraadalahkesatuan di dalam Polri yang bertugas menjaga ketertibandankeamanan di masyarakat.Kita sebagai warga masyarakat harus membantu petugaskepolisiandalam menjaga ketertiban.Cara bermain :Hindari bertabrakan dengan mobil masyarakat.Ambil tempat bensin untuk menambah waktu.Tembak mobil penjahat yang mencoba menghalangi mobilpatrolisabhara.Police Sabhara orSamaptabhayangkara is a unit within the National Police in chargeofmaintaining order and security in society.We as citizens have to help the police in maintaining order.How to play :Avoid colliding with the car community.Take the place of gasoline to increase the time.Shoot the car criminals who tried to block Sabhara patrol car.
Suara Panggil Raja Walet 1.0
Bagoez Studio
Salah satu cara untuk memanggil burungwaletadalah dengan memutar suara raja walet.Dengan memutar suara panggil raja walet diharapkandapatmendatangkan koloni ke tempat kita.Berhasil tidaknya walet datang tergantung dengan rezekiandamasing-masing. Disini kami hanya mencoba membantu saja.Semoga bermanfaat.One way to calltheswallow is to play sounds king swallow.By turning the voice call is expected to bring the kingswallowcolony to our place.Success or failure depends swallow came with your fortuneeach.Here we are just trying to help it.May be useful.
Stop Porn Addiction 1.0
Bagoez Studio
Caution:Before using this sounds a good idea to follow theseinstructionsfirst.* Listen to this sound using headphones or earphones becausetheresult will be better.* Do not listen when you are driving or running engine.* Listen to this sound when you're relaxed and comfortable* Although only the sound of the water or the sounds of nature,butin this sound are affirmations that can help you overcomepornaddiction* Listen to these sounds with frequent so that results better* You choose the music or the sound there is just silence.Althoughit does not sound anything but there is aninfluentialfrequency.Hopefully your porn addiction can be stopped.
Bomb Sounds 1.0
Bagoez Studio
Safe to hear but I'd never want to hear norseethese in real life.This app contain sounds ofAtomic BombBomb AwayBomb SoundBomb Tick BoomBomb WhistleHuge Bomb BlastNuclear BombNukeTime BombYou can set this sounds as ringtone.
Suara Anis Kembang Lenjeh 1.0
Bagoez Studio
Memaster anis kembang bisa dilakukandenganbeberapa cara, misalnya menggunakan burung master, memasterdenganmemanfaatkan suara-suara rekaman burung.Aplikasi ini terdapat suara anis kembang betina lenjeh danvariasianis kembang masteran.Adapun yang perlu diperhatikan ketika memaster aniskembangdengan aplikasi antara lain :*Suara rekaman yang harus terdengar jelas, bersih, dantidakberisik, atau tidak terganggu suara lain.*Untuk hasil maksimal, sebaiknya pemasteran dilakukan di luarmasaaktif burung. Masa aktif burung biasanya pada saatpengembunanhingga pagi hari, dan pada sore hari. Waktu yang bisadigunakanuntuk memaster misalnya pukul 09.00 – 11.00, 15.00 –16.30, danmalam hari pukul 18.00 – 19.00.*Pemasteran bisa dilakukan dalam kondisi burung dikerodongatautidak dikerodong, tergantung kondisi lingkungan.Memaster anise flowercanbe done in several ways, for example using a master bird,memasterby utilizing recording bird sounds.These applications are anise flower female voice lenjehandvariations of anise flower masteran.Now take note when memaster anise flower with applicationssuchas:* Voice recordings that should sound clear, clean, and notnoisy,or no sound disturbed the other.* For maximum results, should pemasteran done outside theactiveperiod of the birds. The active period of the birds isduringcondensation until the morning and in the afternoon. Timethatcould be used to memaster for example at 09:00 to 11:00, 15:00to4:30 p.m., and evenings at 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m..* Pemasteran can be done in a state bird dikerodong dikerodongornot, depending on environmental conditions.
Rocket and Missile Sounds 1.0
Bagoez Studio
Rockets and missiles have been part ofwarfaresince the late 1700s.As they flew, the engines made a distinctive sound, leadingtheEnglish to call them buzz bombs.Contain of:Incoming MissileMissile blastoffMissile IncomingMissile LaunchMissile Pass By 1Missile Pass By 2Missiles or rocket overheadRocket blastoffRocket CountdownRocket LaunchRocket Take offTwo Missiles launchedYou can set this sound as ringtone.
Sound of Frog 1.0
Bagoez Studio
This contain sound ofBoreal ChorusBull FrogCommon ToadCommon Tree FrogEdible FrogFire Bellied ToadGreen ToadMarsh FrogMoor FrogPacific ChorusPacific Tree FrogPool FrogStripeless Tree FrogYou can set this sound as ringtone.
Collection Bird Sounds 1.0
Bagoez Studio
A super collection of quality bird soundsforproducers,radio,djs,corporate video & film use.This app contain sounds of:Chicken Laying EggChickensChicks HatchingCrow CawCrowDuck QuackingFinchGeese CanadianGeeseHawkHshoeLapwingMacaw ParrotsMeadow LarkMocking Bird CryPipistrelle
Suara Anakan Walet 1.0
Bagoez Studio
Salah satu cara untuk memanggil burungwaletadalah dengan memutar suara anakan walet.Selain suara undang dari raja walet dapat juga denganmenggunakananakan walet memanggil walet-walet lain.Semoga suara anakan walet ini dapat bermanfaat.One way to calltheswallow is to play the sound of swallow chicks.In addition to the voice of the king swallow laws can also useatiller-swallow swallow swallow another call.Hopefully the sound of this swallow chicks can be beneficial.
Suara Anis Merah Ngeplong 1.0
Bagoez Studio
Sebenarnya, anis merah akan bersuaralantangjika suasana hatinya sedang bagus.Misalnya dengan selalu mendekatkannya dengan burung sejenisyangsudah ngeplong.Alternatif lainnya, jika kebetulan tidak memiliki anis merahlainyang gacor, adalah memutarkan suara burung anis merah yangsudahngeplong.Kalau tidak punya juga, nggak usah cemas. Dapat menggunakanaplikasiini untuk memancing anis merah agar bersuara ngeplong.Actually, the redanis'llspeak out if a good mood.For example, by always bringing it close to the kind of birdsthathave been ngeplong.Alternatively, if you happen not to have another gacor redanise,is playing the sound of bird red anise alreadyngeplong.If you do not have too, do not worry. Can use this applicationtofishing in order to speak ngeplong red anise.
Alarm Sound Effects 1.0
Bagoez Studio
This contain sounds of Fire Alarm, FireAlarmLong, Security Alarm High, burglar alarm, portal alarm,industrialalarm.
Car Horn Sounds 1.0
Bagoez Studio
The function of a car horn is to alertpeopleto a potential danger related to a car.Listen to the various types of car horns.This contain of1930 Car HornAir HornBeep beepCar Horn From RRCar Horn Then CrashCar Horn With DopplerCar Horn DooplerCar Horns in Grid LockHella HornHonkLong Horn BlastMiyata HornMusical HornOld Crazy Car HornVol vo HornV W Horn
Walet Inap Super 1.1
Bagoez Studio
Salah satu cara supaya menarik burungwaletuntuk menginap adalah dengan memutar suara burung waletinap.Semoga dengan memutar suara burung walet inap ini dapatmembuatburung walet betah menginap dan membuat koloni walet.Semoga bermanfaat.Berisi suara walet inap super, inap walet koloni.One of the ways toattractswiftlets to stay is to play the sound ofbird'shospitalization.Hopefully by playing sound inpatient swiftlet swiftlet This canmakestaying at home and making colonies swallow.May be useful.Contains super swallow voice inpatient, inpatientswallowcolony.
Burung Jalak Masteran 1.0
Bagoez Studio
Burung jalak memang dikenal memilikisuarakicauan asli / hutan yang cukup tajam, kasar, danpenuhirama.Suara itulah yang banyak dicari sebagai masteran daripadaburungjalak yang rajin mengeluarkan suara isiannya.Aplikasi ini berisi suara burung jalak Kerbau, burung jalaknias,burung jalak putih, burung jalak suren.Starlings is known tohavethe original chirp / forest is quite sharp, rugged, and fullofrhythm.Sound that is much sought after as masteran thanstarlingsdiligently filling sound.This application contains the sound of starlings Buffalo,starlingsnias, white starling, starlings suren.
Suara Burung Betina 1.0
Bagoez Studio
Salah satu cara untuk memancing bunyiburungkicau adalah dengan mendengarkan suara dari burung betinasehinggadiharapkan burung kicau anda dapat terpancing meniru suaraburungyang anda putar.Burung betina yang dapat dijadikan masteran antara lain:Anis Merah BetinaBranjangan BetinaCiung BetinaGelatik Wingko BetinaKenari BetinaKepodang BetinaRuak-ruak BetinaSerindit BetinaSirtu/Cipo BetinaTledekan BetinaTledekan laut BetinaCendet BetinaCucak Hijau BetinaKacer BetinaMurai Batu BetinaKolibri BetinaOne way to lure thesoundof birds chirping is by listening to the sounds of birdschirpingbirds female so hopefully you can be hooked imitate birdsounds youplay.Females can be used masteran among others:Red Anis BetinaBranjangan BetinaCiung BetinaWren Wingko BetinaKenari BetinaKepodang BetinaRuak-loose BetinaSerindit BetinaSirtu / Cipo Betinatledekan BetinaTledekan sea BetinaCendet BetinaGreen cucak Betinakacer BetinaMurai Batu Betinahummingbirds Betina
Suara Terapi Burung Stres 1.0
Bagoez Studio
Suara terapi untuk pemulihan burung stresdanmacet bunyi, serta pembangkit energi dan daya tahanburung.Suara terapi untuk burung kicauan terdiri atas beragam jenisdanmanfaatnya.Misalnya terapi suara alam, terapi dengan menggunakannada-nadatertentu seperti brainwave, dan sebagainya.Nah, empat suara terapi berikut ini khusus untukmembantumenenangkan burung kicauan yang masih liar, dan bisapuladimanfaatkan untuk proses pemulihan burung stres danmacetbunyi.Semoga bermanfaatVoice therapy forstressand loss recovery bird sounds, as well as energy generationanddurability birds.Sound therapy to birds chirp consists of various typesandbenefits.Eg natural sound therapy, therapy using certain tones suchasbrainwave, and so on.Well, the following four sound therapy specifically to help calmthebirds chirp that is still wild, and can also be used forbirdrecovery process stress and loss of sound.May be useful
Murai Batu Betina 1.0
Bagoez Studio
Selain dijadikan indukan, burung muraibatubetina yang rajin bunyi juga acapkali dimanfaatkan untukmengecasburung jantan maupun memancing bunyi burung yang sedangstres danmacet bunyi.Tetapi terkadang tidak mudah mendapatkan murai batu betinauntuktujuan tersebut.Alternatifnya, Anda bisa memutarkan beberapa suara kicauanmuraibatu betina berikut ini untuk memancing bunyi.In addition to be usedasbreeders, female humming bird stone diligent sound is alsooftenused for charging the male birds and the sound of birdsfishingunder stress and loss of sound.But sometimes it is not easy to get the female magpie stone tothatgoal.Alternatively, you can play the sound of chirping magpie fewfemalerock below to fishing sound.
Sound of Tyrannosaurus Rex 1.0
Bagoez Studio
Tyrannosaurus rex is one of thelargestcarnivorous dinosaurs.T-rex can grow along the 12.5-meter (about 40 feet) and weigh upto4-7 tons.These dinosaurs preyed on large herbivorous dinosaurs suchasTriceratops and Edmontosaurus is the largest herbivores inthattime.In addition tyrannosaurus also known to have one of thestrongestbites than any other land animal that ever existed.This app contain of sound:Chewing something smallRoarScreamSnarlStep far awayStompingT-rex RoarTyrannosaurus RoarsVery close stepYou can set this sounds as ringtones.
Om Telolet Klakson 1.0
Bagoez Studio
Om telolet om adalah kata yang sedangpopulerdikalangan pecinta suara klakson telolet.Klakson telolet menjadi populer karena suaranya yang unik.Dari anak kecil sampai orang tua suka dengan suara klaksonteloletini.Kamu dapat menjadikan suara telolet ini menjadi ringtone.Ada suara telolet Bus AKAP, Pariwisata, antar pulau, busway,rela,bus malam, antar pulau dan lainnya.Telolet om om is apopularword among lovers telolet horn sounds.Telolet horn became popular because of his unique voice.From small children to the elderly like this telolethornsound.You can make it into a ringtone sound telolet.No sound telolet AKAP Bus, Tourism, inter-island, busway,willingly,night buses, inter-island and others.
Birds Rainforest Sounds 1.0
Bagoez Studio
Rainforests are home of too many kindsofbirds. Here are some of them.This contain sounds of:Bird CallBird ChirpBird CryBird FlyingBird SongChachalacaCockatooCrowGuinea HenKookaburraMagpieMany BirdOwlRiver WarblerRooster in Native CampWoodpeckerYou can set this sounds as ringtone.
Master Beo Special 1.1
Bagoez Studio
Tidak sedikit kicaumania yang memeliharaburungbeo, karena kecerdasannya dalam meniru berbagai macamsuara,terutama suara atau ucapan manusia.Untuk melengkapi koleksi Anda, berikut ini beberapa suara burungbeospesial untuk melatih beo bicara.Not a few kicaumaniawhokeep parrots, because of his intelligence in imitation ofsounds,especially sounds or human speech.To complete your collection, here are some special sound to trainaparrot to talk parrot.